Last updated on December 2nd, 2023 at 12:19 am
Our world has become comfortable enough to talk about healthy school environments, keeping aside biases and traditional cultures of learning. Not that traditional forms are incorrect. They need modifications to adapt to this fast-paced educational system.
Students and teachers rely more on the school ERP for necessary modifications for creating a healthy school environment. The ERP full form is enterprise resource planning, it chalks out the academic sessions of every student. But how does this environment benefit the progress of students? First, we must know what a healthy environment denotes.
What is a healthy school environment?
The premises that allow the development of mental, physical, academic, social, psychological, cultural, and moral values of students are conditions of a healthy school environment. Putting it simply, it is an environment that is clean, safe, informative, and facilitates student progress.
Unlike the tools like a learning management system, a healthy school environment is not a single component but a combination of various elements dedicated to student progress, improving the quality of learning in an educational institution.
Key components
Generally, the institution focuses on five school environment components for proper student development.
Cultural environment
It includes the structure of the curriculum, both in material and material. Such as the cut and distribution of classes throughout the building, moral values and social customs followed by the school, and social order.
Every school has a unique cultural learning environment characterized by the regular behaviors of school staff and students considered normal. For example, a convent school or boarding school has unique cultural values to other private schools.
Physical environment
School grounds, including the classroom, accessibility to different parts of the campus, safe food and water supply, sanitation, safe playgrounds, air quality, and emergency precautions in the physical structure constitute the physical environment of a school. Here are some important factors related to it;
- Infiltration of polluted air if the school is located in a metropolitan area or other methods of improving indoor air quality for preventing health risks. Constant monitoring of air quality, ventilation facilities, and filtration facilitate this.
- Emphasizing the quality and access to clean water for drinking and using in washrooms. The school staff is responsible for maintaining and testing water quality.
- Comfort facilities such as lighting and cooling through wide window shades with safety measures, high-quality bulbs or LED lights in the classroom, and high-performance multiple fans in each classroom for proper ventilation and keeping temperatures down during the summer.
- Bringing extreme temperatures under control at peak winter, summer, and monsoon seasons. The physical structure of a school to not get waterlogged in India is very important since our country has a tropical monsoon type of climate.
- Controlling harmful and unwanted exposure to noise from outside or inside school activities. Schools can locate classrooms on the topmost floor in a metropolitan area or far into the campus for noise cancellation.
The physical environment of an institution must not go unnoticed since it directly connects to the development of students. When a campus is located in a less noisy area, there are fewer chances of distractions, and a greater stimulus to engage in the learning environment.
Social environment
School staff, administrators, students, and teachers make up the social environment of an institution. Learners constantly engage for guidance, learning, and playing purposes. This positive social environment can be created through constant monitoring.
Every school sets ground rules to discipline students and create an interactive yet limited social environment to facilitate learning while making academics an important part of their curriculum.
Psychological environment
A psychological environment shows the initiation capacity of a student and increased stimulus of learners to undertake all types of activities. Staying in groups and regularly attending classes creates a stable psychological environment.
Students receive all kinds of help from the institution. Learning through group sessions or private classes when necessary and healing mentally through school counseling are very important for student development.
Political environment
Still, middle school students are politically unaware, but high school and university students have some idea about world political dynamics. Schools must do their part to educate students about the diverse political backgrounds various parts of the world follow. Here, the political environment develops the intellectual qualities of students to have an opinion toward the right cause.