When to Visit a Physical Therapist and What to Expect

Physical Therapist

Visiting a physical therapist is a great way to get relief from chronic pain and help heal from injuries. But when should you visit a physical therapist? And what can you expect when you do? To answer these questions, we’ll look at the signs that indicate it may be time to seek out a physical therapist and the types of treatments they can offer.

We’ll also discuss what to expect during your appointment and how to make sure you get the most out of your time with a physical therapist. So, let’s get started.

What is a Physical Therapist?

Physical therapists are highly trained professionals who use a variety of techniques to help you recover from all manner of injuries, chronic pain, or physical ailments. They are specialists in the movement and function of the body.

Not only can physical therapists help with injuries, but they also help people who have been sick for a long time get back on their feet and regain mobility. A therapist can also assist in preventing injuries in the future with guidance, exercises, stretches, and other treatments.

What to Look for in a Physical Therapist

There are a few things you should look for when choosing a physical therapist. Firstly, make sure that the therapist is fully licensed and has experience treating patients with conditions similar to yours. A qualified physical therapist should also have a DPT degree, which is a doctorate in physical therapy.

Secondly, ask about the clinic’s success rates and do some online research into patient satisfaction scores. Finally, be sure to schedule a consultation to get a feel for the therapist’s bedside manner and whether or not you feel comfortable working with them.

Most Common Reasons to Go to a Physical Therapist

There are many reasons to visit a physical therapist. Some people visit physical therapists to rehabilitate after an injury, others to manage chronic pain, and still others to prevent further injuries. For instance, if you’ve recently had surgery or been in an accident, your doctor may recommend that you see a physical therapist to help you regain strength and mobility.

Physical therapists can create individualized rehabilitation programs that help you heal safely and effectively. Another common reason people see physical therapists is for pain management. For instance, if you struggle with chronic back or neck pain, PT can help you find relief. Physical therapists can use a variety of techniques to reduce pain, including massage, stretching, and electrical stimulation.

They can also teach you exercises and posture changes that can help lessen your pain over time. Finally, many people visit physical therapists to prevent injuries from happening in the first place or in the future. For example, if you have a high-risk job or participate in sports, PT can help you stay safe by designing an injury prevention program specifically for you.

This may include stretches and exercises to improve your flexibility and strength, as well as education on how to warm up properly before you engage in activities and how to listen to your body for signs of fatigue or overuse.

What Should You Expect From a Physical Therapy Exam?

A physical therapy exam is designed to assess your movement and function. The therapist will look at your posture, alignment, range of motion, and strength. They will also test your reflexes and sensation. This information helps the therapist determine what’s causing your pain and how to best treat it.

When Can You Expect to Recover After Seeing a Physical Therapist?

Most people think that once they start physical therapy, they will immediately start feeling better. The reality is that recovery takes time. It is important to remember that recovery from an injury takes patience and commitment to treatment. Also, everyone heals at different rates. The good news is that research shows that early intervention with physical therapy can speed up the healing process and help you return to your normal activities sooner.


Visiting a physical therapist can be an extremely beneficial experience in helping to manage and treat pain, improve mobility, and reduce the risk of future injuries. To determine if it’s time for you to visit a physical therapist, consider your current level of activity or any recent changes that might have occurred with your body.

When visiting a physical therapist for the first time, expect to receive hands-on treatment as well as advice on exercises and lifestyle modifications that could help further your recovery process. And of course, please know none of these suggestions are meant to replace the advice or care from a medical professional. As always, thanks for reading!

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