According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), motor vehicle crashes claimed the lives of approximately 36,791 deaths annually from 2015 to 2019. Florida’s population is the third highest of all states, meaning the car accident statistics are equally as high. In addition, The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) reported over 401,000 crashes in 2021.
If you fall victim to a car accident as a driver or passenger, you will require the legal counsel of a car accident attorney. Read on and learn about how car accident lawyers can help. A car accident is a traumatic experience that may result in fractures, brain injuries, lacerations, and bruises. Some injuries are severe enough to keep you off work for a while. In addition, recovery will cost you thousands of dollars in the form of medication and rehabilitation.
Common causes of car accidents are such as:
1. Drunk Driving
According to the CDC, at least 32 people die daily in the United States due to drunk driving. That translates to one death every 45 minutes due to alcohol-impaired driving. The reason is alcohol impairs judgment. In addition, car crash accidents cost the country at least $123.3 billion annually.
2. Speeding
Speeding accounts for approximately 30% of total car accidents annually. It is unfortunate as states have designated speed limits to keep everyone safe. However, some drivers break the laws and speed, causing deadly accidents most in non extradition countries.
3. Cell Phones
Cell phones are a serious distraction to drivers. Some drivers want to text, make calls, answer emails, and surf the internet while driving. When distracted, the driver doesn’t focus on the road and can cause horrific accidents.
4. Adverse Weather Conditions
Choosing to drive under adverse conditions like snow, fog, or heavy rain can lead to a car accident. Bad weather accounts for about 21% of all car accidents annually. Weather-related car accidents have gotten deadly over the years compared to the damage caused by hurricanes and tornadoes combined.
5. Driver’s Fatigue
Fatigability isn’t a crime, but the consequences of a driver driving while tired are dire. A driver who is exhausted but still goes ahead and operates heavy machinery is likely to fall asleep behind the wheel.
6. Running the Red Light
You and I have tried to beat a red light at one point or another. However, it is time to rethink whether it’s worth it. Hundreds of people die annually from running a red light. 2020 alone saw a record 928 red-light related cases. Drivers violate the red lights in the afternoons, on Fridays, and during some holidays.
How Can a Lawyer Help?
As you plan on taking your claim to civil court, a car accident lawyer will help you with the following:
- Collecting all the necessary documents like police reports, medical records, and eyewitness testimonies will help build a case.
- Investigate to demonstrate the event leading up to the crash.
- Offer legal guidance throughout the process while addressing possible concerns you have.
- Negotiate with the insurance company, other parties involved, and their lawyers on your behalf.
- The lawyer is familiar with state laws and knows when a claim is outside the limitations of the personal injury protection laws.
- Your attorney will investigate whether your claim is eligible for a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party. In addition, he will also involve other parties who share liability, like the employer of the at-fault driver, if the accident occurred within working hours.
You will need to work closely with a car accident lawyer to get the maximum compensation for your losses. The attorney will provide legal advice and guidance as you pursue compensation for your losses.