Spiro Agnew’s Ghost is an anonymous Twitter user who makes political comments. It is found out that Spiro Agnew’s is a social media influencer, and, as his name implies, he is a currently unidentified ghost. In terms of politics, Spiro Agnew’s Ghost is quite popular on Twitter. The author typically writes on topics related to politics and recent political news.
However, the shocking thing is that he is writing about politics anonymously. He is basically using the identity of the real Spiro Theodore Agnew who was one of the most controversial Vice Presidents in American history.
He was well known for his vicious criticism of the press and political rivals, and he eventually resigned in disgrace. Let’s continue our investigation, as it is specifically discussed in the following article to inform readers of the data gathered about this person.
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Who is Spiro Agnew’s Ghost?
Spiro Agnew’s Ghost is basically a Social Media Influencer. His true identity is unknown to people, but it is found that he is famous for tweeting about Politics on Twitter.
Spiro Agnew’s Ghost Age?
According to reports, Spiro Agnew’s Ghost’s actual age is 30-40 years old. No one could determine his age, though, as sources were still determining who the true account owner was. However, because he makes political statements, the persona must be older than 30.
The real Spiro Theodore Agnew passed away on September 17, 1996, at 77. Spiro was born in 1918, and he used to gather with his loved ones on November 9 to celebrate his birthday.
Spiro Agnew’s Ghost Identity Details on the Twitter Platform
Spiro Agnew’s Ghost Social Media Influencer is well-known on the Twitter platform. He created his Twitter account in February 2014. Spiro runs the Twitter account as @SpiroAgnewGhost. His profile and cover photo are of the real Sprio Agnew, who died years ago.
Spiro is followed by 32 people on Twitter and has around 223.5K followers. Moreover, he has a total of 295.2K tweets posted. Most people wanted to know more about the person in charge of the Twitter account, but he still needed to reveal his true identity.
In addition, Spiro Theodore Agnew served as the US’s 39th vice president. According to Wikipedia, he served from 1969 until his resignation in 1973. However, we now have Spiro Agnew’s Ghost, who is very active on Twitter.
Spiro Agnew’s Ghost Identity Details on the Instagram Platform
If we talk about the Instagram handle anonymous handle of Sprio Agnew’s Ghost, then there is an account that runs under the username of @spiroagnewsghost on the Instagram Platform.
However, people are still determining if it is managed by the same individual who manages a Twitter account. It is because the Instagram account only has six followers, there are no posts, and no one has yet been followed.
Therefore, given the followers and posts, it might be different from the same person, but who knows the real truth behind it!?
Is Spiro Agnew’s Ghost Gregg?
Spiro Agnew’s Ghost may be a Gregg, as the author has not publicly used Twitter to reveal his identity. Since neither the real person nor any other media pages have discussed his biography, it isn’t easy to assume that he or she is a Gregg. We will update you as soon as possible if the person in question soon divulges his personal information.
Why is Spiro Agnew’s Ghost well-known on Twitter?
For his/her political tweets, Spiro is well-known on Twitter and typically criticizes pressing issues. In one of his recent tweets, he wrote:
“If the Democrats are too incompetent not to put a completely deranged, dementia-laden sociopath Trump dancing next to the stage at the NRA convention days after 19 kids were murdered into many television advertising, I give up.”
Therefore, although he has not revealed his true identity to the people, but he/she is still well-known worldwide due to his tweets concerning Politics.
Spiro Agnew’s Ghost Popular Tweets on Twitter

It is found that Spiro Agnew’s Ghost is always attacking Trump and the Democrats. No one knows the reason behind this, so that nothing can be done about it. Let us look at a few of Spiro Agnews Ghost’s most popular tweets on Twitter:
- What I always find most interesting about this sanctimonious bullshit from a self-hating woman is that, of course, CONTROLLING women’s bodies doesn’t help them. Also, once the baby is forced to be born, these same Repubs don’t want to give the mother ANY public assistance funds!
- The man is the most utterly deranged, delusional pathological liar I have ever seen. It is mind-blowing how insane he is.
- There is no way to parody how insanely stupid and pathetic the @GOP is on this topic. It’s simultaneously sick and moronic at levels that are difficult to grasp.
- You belong in a mental institution with a LOT of available Thorazine to deal with your multitude of derangements and delusions. You got 3.4% of the vote.
- One has to wonder why @RepMTG’s husband of 27 years needed to divorce her suddenly right now, 6 weeks before the election.
- “Dear Committee: Give me all the evidence you have on me so I won’t perjure myself under oath. Mmkay, thanks”
- This rotund orange piece of shit cares far more about where his next Quarter Pounder with cheese comes from than he does about the loss of these kids. This is so vile and fake.
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Final Verdict
As discussed above, we have now explored Spiro Agnew’s Ghost a little bit. It seems shocking that since 2014 this person has been continuously posting tweets on Twitter about politics and simultaneously criticizing Trump and the Democrats.
He/she is not showing his true identity to the world, knowing that he might get caught one day. This person has no doubt a very good fan following as they are always seen active on Twitter, and the shocking and good part is that people do like the tweets posted by Spiro Agnew’s Ghost.
It is still being determined whether this person’s true identity will be revealed soon. Still, we can clearly see that this social media influencer has some very good knowledge about politics, due to which he keeps posting tweets related to this subject!