If you’ve encountered the clue “sleek leather outerwear” in a New York Times Crossword, you’re likely on the hunt for a specific term that perfectly describes stylish leather apparel. Crossword clues like these often refer to fashionable items that are both functional and trendy.
Clue Explanation:
- The term “sleek leather outerwear” generally refers to a form-fitting, elegant leather jacket or coat, typically made from high-quality leather. This kind of outerwear is known for its smooth and polished appearance, ideal for adding a touch of sophistication to any outfit.
Common Answer:
For this crossword clue, the most likely answer is MOTOJACKET (11 letters). A moto jacket is a short, close-fitting jacket inspired by motorcycle gear. These jackets are typically made from leather and known for their sleek and stylish look, making them the perfect answer to this clue.
- Sleek: The moto jacket is known for its streamlined and fashionable design.
- Leather: Traditionally made from high-quality leather.
- Outerwear: It’s worn over other clothing as a jacket.
Alternative Clues:
Sometimes, the crossword puzzle might offer different phrasing or variations of the clue. If you’re not dealing with “moto jacket,” other leather-related outerwear such as BLAZER or TRENCH could also be possibilities, depending on the specific crossword structure and letter count.
Final Thoughts:
Solving crossword clues like this not only tests your vocabulary but also challenges your knowledge of fashion. If you’re stuck, try considering different types of leather outerwear to find the perfect fit for the clue!