How ePac Flexibles Can Help Your Large Company Find Profitable Packaging Solutions

How ePac Flexibles Can Help Your Large Company Find Profitable Packaging Solutions

Many large companies regularly place high-volume orders for product packaging. The right packaging partner can identify ways for your enterprise to make packaging more cost-effective up-front and profitable in the long run. Find out how the best service can provide high-quality and affordable product packaging solutions, options for sustainable packaging and a full range of package sizes with custom designs to your large company.

High Quality Packaging Solutions

Quality is a critical consideration for companies that place large orders for packaging. The right packaging provider can ensure that every package in every order is of consistently high quality. In addition to rigorous quality standards for production, a packaging service can also recommend solutions for maintaining the quality of packaged products.

For example, degassing is an important consideration for custom coffee packaging. Roasted coffee beans off gas carbon dioxide, which can affect the flavor of coffee products. A packaging provider can recommend center seal packs with degassing valves that vent carbon dioxide and prevent the intrusion of oxygen. High quality packaging can increase profitability by justifying higher price points and increasing customer satisfaction.

Sustainable Packaging Solutions

Large companies typically have more sizable carbon footprints than small operations. This means that any changes you make to promote sustainability can have a larger effect. The right packaging service can recommend affordable sustainable packaging solutions, such as recyclable, post-consumer recycled or even compostable packaging materials.

Whether you select custom Mylar bags or any other recyclable flexible packaging material, you can include a store drop-off recycling code on packaging. Recent consumer research indicates that 71% of consumers factor sustainability into their choice of products. Making packaging decisions that satisfy a growing majority of consumers can increase your profits over competitors that do not make an effort to align with this shift in priorities.

A Full Range of Packaging Sizes

Large companies may offer a wide range of products and want to make products available in multiple sizes. A packaging partner that specializes in flexible packaging can offer options for preformed stand up pouches, rollstock and stick packs or sachets. These types of packaging enable your company to offer products in larger family- or value-sizes all the way down to single-use packaging.

Offering products in a wide range of package sizes and price points can increase sales. Stick packs and sachets are also particularly effective at enticing new customers, which can lead to sales of larger sizes of these products. Packaging providers can also recommend the most cost-effective approach to designing a full range of package sizes.

Custom Digital Package Printing

Digital package printing can be advantageous for your large company. The ability to print and modify package designs without using plates cuts production costs. In general, digital printing is faster and more affordable than conventional package printing. 

A packaging partner that affordably sources materials at quantity and prints large orders in a timely manner can increase profit margins on packaged products. You can also increase the profitability of your company with the option to order packaging with just-in-time manufacturing from a global network of flexible packaging production facilities.

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