Types of collaborative robots

collaborative robots

Last updated on March 28th, 2024 at 04:43 am

Cobots are perfect for tasks that are too difficult or dangerous for humans, such as welding or packaging delicate items. There are many different types of collaborative robots, each with unique features. In this article, we will explore the different types of cobots and discuss their benefits and drawbacks. Stay tuned.

What are collaborative robots, and what do they do?

Collaborative robots, or cobots, are a relatively new type of robotics technology that is used for performing a variety of tasks in the workplace. Unlike conventional industrial robots, cobots are designed to work alongside humans and are typically lightweight, mobile, flexible, and easy to program. It makes them ideal for use in many settings, from factories and warehouses to healthcare facilities and construction sites.

Cobots can perform various tasks, including welding, assembly line operations, material handling, sorting and packaging operations, and many others. Additionally, they often come equipped with sensors that allow them to detect nearby people or objects and immediately stop movement when necessary. Overall, collaborative robots represent a major technological breakthrough that has the potential to make workplaces safer and more efficient than ever before.

The different types of collaborative robots

The most common type is the articulated arm cobot, designed to mimic a human arm’s movements. These cobots typically have six axes of movement and can be equipped with a variety of attachments, such as grippers, suction cups, or spray nozzles.

Another cobot type is the SCARA, which stands for selective compliance assembly robot arm. SCARA robots are similar to articulated arm cobots but have only four axes of movement. These Cobots are often used for tasks that require high speeds and precise movements, such as pick-and-place operations or assembly line work.

Cartesian coordinate robots, also known as gantry robots, are another type of common cobot. These robots have three linear axes of movement that allow them to move in a straight line, making them well-suited for welding, cutting, or material handling tasks.

Finally, spherical collaborative robots are a newer type of cobot that is becoming increasingly popular. These robots have three rotational axes and one linear axis, which gives them a wide range of motion. Spherical cobots are often used for tasks that require delicate movements or a high degree of flexibility, such as inspection or packaging.

Advantages of collaborative robots

There are many benefits to using collaborative robots in the workplace. First and foremost, they can help to improve safety by reducing the need for humans to work close to dangerous machinery. Additionally, cobots are typically much cheaper than conventional industrial robots, making them a more affordable option for small businesses or companies that have limited budgets.

Cobots also tend to be very versatile and easy to program, making them ideal for use in various settings. They can often be quickly reconfigured to perform different tasks as needed, making them a versatile and cost-effective solution for many businesses.

Finally, cobots have a minimal footprint and can easily be integrated into existing workflows. It makes them an ideal solution for companies that want to automate their operations but don’t have the space for more giant, bulky industrial robots.

Disadvantages of collaborative robots

There are also some potential drawbacks to using collaborative robots. One primary concern is that these robots could potentially displace human workers and lead to job loss. Additionally, cobots can sometimes be less precise than their industrial counterparts, making them unsuitable for specific tasks.

Another potential issue is that cobots are often designed to work alongside humans, which means they may not be able to operate effectively if there are no people present. It could limit their usefulness in specific settings, such as warehouses or construction sites.

Finally, it’s important to note that collaborative robots are still a relatively new technology, which may be subject to unexpected glitches or malfunctions. It could lead to downtime and lost productivity, so it’s essential to have a backup plan in place in case of any problems.

Choosing the right collaborative robot for your business

There are a few factors to consider when choosing the right collaborative robot for your business. First, you’ll need to decide what tasks you want the cobot to perform, and this will help you narrow your options and choose a cobot that suits your needs.

Finally, you’ll need to think about the footprint of the cobot and whether it will be able to fit into your existing workspace. You’ll also need to consider the cobot’s power requirements and whether it will need to be plugged into an outlet or if it can run on batteries.

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