We all try to look our very best whenever we head out. Part of looking good is taking great care of your skin. Sadly, you can have a well-researched skin routine and still fall prey to some avoidable skin conditions. These skin conditions can be prevented when you know them and understand how your skin handles certain stimuli.
Keeping this in mind, this guide contains a short list of common skin conditions for you to be mindful of. Be sure to consult a doctor before performing any of the recommended fixes and treatments.
We can’t discuss skin conditions without bringing up big red. Acne is a common occurrence across the U.S. and the world. The large patches of red splotches that often accompany this skin condition are dreaded by teens everywhere.
What causes acne? The red spots you suddenly wake up to one morning are the end result of blocked hairs and skin oils. Acne is usually triggered due to a change in hormones. It is a condition commonly found in teenagers of different ages.
Depending on factors, acne may also manifest as blackheads, cysts, and pimples. Nightmarish as all of this sounds, proper management can contain the damage. Now that you understand what acne is, let’s talk about treatment. First, see a dermatologist and make sure you are actually dealing with acne. You wouldn’t want to use the wrong medication.
Once you are certain it is acne you are dealing with, you can get an over-the-counter topical cream like Adapalene (Differin). Any other topical steroid or oral medication will require a prescription. You can also implement a lower glycemic diet to reduce the outbreak severity.
Hives are your skin’s way of letting you know that you messed up. Hives usually occur as a reaction to something you came in contact with. Either you ate something, touched something or were stung by something your body does not agree with. The good news is most cases of hives go away within 3-4 hours. However, this may only sometimes be the case.
Hives that last years are called chronic Urticaria. Take note of whatever triggers a breakout if you aren’t already aware. You could be allergic. This may include food, medication, and even drinks. Also, make sure to fumigate your home periodically, and use bug-repellant creams when in the great outdoors. Something could bite you and trigger hives if you are not careful.
An outbreak usually covers a small surface area of your skin, line part of your arms, face, or legs. You should be concerned if you have swollen hives covering a large area of your body. See a doctor immediately!
A basic understanding of cellulite is the dimples that form on the skin. It occurs when fat pushes against the chords that connect the skin to the muscles underneath, causing an uneven appearance. Cellulite on Legs is the more common form of the skin condition. It can be inconvenient if your line of work involves showing some skin, like modeling.
A common misconception about cellulite is that weight is a core cause. In truth, it can happen to anyone. The best way to avoid cellulite is to win the genetic and hormonal lottery. Cellulite isn’t so easily remedied due to the nature of the fat cells pushing against your skin.
They aren’t easy to break down, but they can be made less noticeable with multiple treatments and a diet change. Advanced Aesthetics procedure can help fix this problem.
Remember coming down with chickenpox as a kid and being confined to bed rest? The one positive of getting chickenpox early was knowing you wouldn’t have to go through the experience again. Sadly, the varicella-zoster virus lays dormant in you and can cause shingles later on.
The angry red rashes can cover a large portion of your skin in any direction. The risk is higher with older people with weaker immune systems. There is a vaccine, however, that prevents Shingles called Shingrix. Again, consult a doctor and avoid self-diagnosis.
Final Words
Be mindful of how your environment affects your skin, and be sure to head to the doctor as soon as you notice a change. The sooner you start treating skin problems, the better. In the same vein, caring for your skin will enhance your overall health.